From: Stephen Altschuler
The Mindful Golfer
Dear Subscribers,
First, thank you for your interest and support over the years of this blog’s publication. A deep bow of appreciation. My website stays intact with golf photos, the archives of past posts, and equipment reviews; but all current blog posts will now be hosted at the following site, You can still subscribe there to my posts, at no charge, so you’ll continue to get my posts directly to your inbox as they have previously. I hope you do. I’ll be continuing with instruction, opinion, reflections, historical pieces, and personality profiles concerning this great game of ours.
I’ve been involved in this game since 1960 when Arnold was in his prime. I saw him play in Philly shortly after his U.S. Open win that year. I was 15 at the time, and the game has stayed in my blood ever since. I hope you continue to join me in this ever-evolving dialogue around our beloved, yet daunting, “good walk, spoiled,” as Mark Twain so wryly put it.
Thank you; and, as my friend, Bucky Jackson, often ends his notes to me,
All the best, and Birdies to you,
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