The head is one of the only parts of the body we only have one of. And it sits atop the torso like the keystone of an arch. Move the keystone, and the entire arch collapses. Such it is with the golf swing: Move the head and the sequences of the swing begin to lose […]
Retief Goosen
Still Head, Solid Contact
The concept of forgiveness, usually the topic of Sunday sermons, has been co-opted by golf club manufacturers of late, but if you really want to experience forgiveness in relation to golf, keep your head still during the swing, and particularly through the impact zone. It’s an old saw that has held up over eons of struggling […]
The Key Downswing Move
At the transition between the back and downswings there is a point in time and space that sets the tone for the coup de grace of the golf swing, namely impact–that vital moment when the hands lead the clubhead down and into the ball, compressing the ball, which leaps to an elliptical surge, tracing a […]