So, about a year ago, I was hitting drivers better than I ever had. Not particularly long, given my medical limitations, but straight and on the button just about every time. Of course, as often happens with this game, the success waned and I started in trying new things and quite quickly the divil got […]
Swing tips
Possibly the Oddest Golf Tip I’ve Ever Given
So, I’m at the range the other day trying to figure out what to do with my swing that’s been driving me nuts lately, and I stumbled upon something that shocked the shit out of me. I finally realized that my swing is not the problem and never has been. You see, for a long […]
I watch the LPGA and you should too
You could improve your game greatly by watching the LPGA more than the PGA, and be entertained as much or more. I’m addressing this more to men than women because women already know of the advantages of watching the LPGA. I attended the Portland Classic the other day, and, once again, discovered why I like […]
The Measured Swing
Setting the tone of a good solid swing happens right at the start of the backswing with what is called a forward press. I make mine fairly distinct as it reminds me to keep my forward arm as straight as possible going back and continuing straight to the completion of the backswing. The question arises, […]
And Now that the Hips are Awake…
As I mentioned in my last post, we have a tendency to get lazy with our hips. Thomas Jefferson once said that many physical problems started with human beings with the advent of using the horse for transportation for it was then that we started riding much more than walking, and consequently started getting out […]
Waking Up the Hips
The older we get, the lazier our hips get.That’s been true for me and I think many others as well. Perhaps if I’d been less shy as a teen, I would have learned the Twist–that dance craze of the 60s–better and perhaps retained that rotational expertise into my older age. But, alas, I could do […]
Deconstructing Putting
This post can be found at Enjoy!
The Stretch for Added Distance
I must admit, I get lazy with my golf swing and can easily fall into a kind of default when it comes to the top of the backswing. For that is the point when my body needs to stretch to its maximum capacity. And those last few words are most important because what you don’t […]
Shaft Lean and Lag: More important pieces of the compression puzzle
Shaft lean is a sacred cow to tour pros, but is not well known or practiced by handicappers. And when done correctly, it is the main avenue to properly compressing the golf ball off the face of the club. But many handicappers are flippers, a term Lee Trevino uses to describe golfers who flip their […]