Shaft lean is a sacred cow to tour pros, but is not well known or practiced by handicappers. And when done correctly, it is the main avenue to properly compressing the golf ball off the face of the club. But many handicappers are flippers, a term Lee Trevino uses to describe golfers who flip their […]
Lee Trevino
Learning from One of the Greatest Ball Strikers of Them All
I’ve been studying the swing of Lee Buck Trevino lately. And there are several aspects that particularly strike me, and lead me to think we moderns have much to learn from from this six-time major and 29-time PGA victory winner. The guy goes after the ball like no one I’ve ever seen. Nearing impact, Trevino […]
Staying Down on the Shot
You’ve heard the advice, I’m sure. “Stay down on it, Stay down on the shot!” And it really is important in achieving a consistently reliable swing. The other day on the course, I was not staying down and suffered the consequences–consistently lousy shots going this way and that. But before that round was over, I […]
Learning from the Greats
Watching last year’s Insperity Greats of Golf this year, I was struck with how accurate these remarkable players still are. I was most impressed with Nicklaus, Player, Trevino, and Sorenstam. All made solid and consistent clubhead contact at impact, leading to tee shots that were in play and relatively long. Player, at 83, was particularly […]
Want to Hit it Farther? Swing Slower!
For more distance and accuracy, swing slower.
Boxing for Better Golf
Lately, I’ve taken up boxing training in my gym. It’s a great way to practice timing and rhythm, and is actually a good aerobic workout. Of course, after a long work day, I can put any number of adversaries on that punching bag and let loose. But punching that stand-up bag has led to some […]