I enjoy time on the range as it allows honing your skills without the pressure of performance that playing presents. The range provides a significant level of privacy that we often don’t get in everyday life. You’re usually alone in your own hitting station, absorbed in your swing, your body’s reactions, how you’re doing, and […]
Dr. Joe Parent
New Rules of Golf, Proposed
Golf is a challenging game–too challenging for many. Here are some suggestions for making it a bit easier.
Swing Sequence
To paraphrase Sholom Aleichem, golf instructors are just like lawyers are just like physicians: what one says, the other contradicts. Concerning the sequencing of the body during a well-executed golf swing, it seems like every instructor will give you a different answer as to what follows what. And it could very well be that the golf swing is so complicated and human bodies and minds are so different that there isn’t one standard sequence everyone can rely upon to bring the clubface squarely into the ball…