The Acu-Strike Golf Impact Training Mat, one for indoor and one for outdoor use, is, by far, the best training and learning tool I’ve ever come across. It shows you, quite graphically, the path your clubface takes into and through the impact area. In other words, you can see, first hand, after each shot, why […]
Goldilocks Golf: Not Too Fast, Nor Too Slow, But Just Right
With Buddhist practice, we aim for the Middle Way–something between the extremes the Buddha discovered by trial and error. The golf swing should be approached in like fashion.
Making the Most of Time on the Range
I enjoy time on the range as it allows honing your skills without the pressure of performance that playing presents. The range provides a significant level of privacy that we often don’t get in everyday life. You’re usually alone in your own hitting station, absorbed in your swing, your body’s reactions, how you’re doing, and […]
Playing Hurt
Remember when Tiger won the ’08 U.S. Open on a broken leg. Or when Lindsey Vonn won a skiing championship after a serious fall. Well, I recently returned to golf after a cancer treatment that knocked me for a loop. Mind over matter. Overcoming fear. This blog tells the story of my successful experience.
Loving and Hating the Driver
One of my first drivers was a beautiful specimen. Persimmon head, painted glossy black, around 260 cc, connected to a steel stiff shaft of 42-43 inches in length. Custom fitted and produced by the renown clubmaker George Izett near Philadelphia. In its day, it was a formidable weapon to attack the mature parkland courses of Philly I […]
Bad Rounds
We’ve all had them. I had one yesterday. Frustrating. Demoralizing. Even embarrassing. They hit like a sudden cold that we didn’t see coming. First the sore throat on the warm up range where say 7 of 10 shots are not hit well, but 3 are solid, and we think, “Great. I’m ready. I’ve got it […]