As I mentioned in my last post, I’ve been plagued by the shanks lately, and was at a complete loss about how to treat my affliction. Feeling desperate, I combed YouTube, viewing every solution I could find. But no dice. Nothing worked. Butch Harmon had the best explanation of cause–closing the clubface severely at impact, […]
Increasing Clubhead Speed
Of all golf pleadings, the one that rings most often, and loudest, is increasing clubhead speed. “Just ten more yards. That’s all I ask, dear God, just ten more yards…Oh, and by the way…in the fairway.” After all, what golfer doesn’t want to hit it farther, and, hopefully, straighter. YouTube is saturated with advice on […]
Playing Hurt
Remember when Tiger won the ’08 U.S. Open on a broken leg. Or when Lindsey Vonn won a skiing championship after a serious fall. Well, I recently returned to golf after a cancer treatment that knocked me for a loop. Mind over matter. Overcoming fear. This blog tells the story of my successful experience.