I enjoy time on the range as it allows honing your skills without the pressure of performance that playing presents. The range provides a significant level of privacy that we often don’t get in everyday life. You’re usually alone in your own hitting station, absorbed in your swing, your body’s reactions, how you’re doing, and […]
Shivas Irons Society
The Marvelous Mr. Mickelson
Phil Mickelson is truly a wonder, a phenomenon, a likable bloke who, at 48, plays a kind of all-out golf, like a youngster might. Phil takes chances, something we amateurs can relate to. We also take chances because a lot of the time chance, or risk/reward as we call it, is part of the equation […]
Golf, Nerves, and Meditation
In response to a hi-stress job, I spent quite a bit of time at the range last year pounding balls in order to not only improve, but to lower my anxiety levels. And it worked, but with a price paid. After hitting many balls, my anxiety did lower, but I developed golfer’s elbow as a […]