With Buddhist practice, we aim for the Middle Way–something between the extremes the Buddha discovered by trial and error. The golf swing should be approached in like fashion.
The Art of Holding Off at Impact
One of my teachers, Jim Knego, the eminent pro at Bennett Valley in Santa Rosa CA, took a look at my swing once and noticed I was pulling everything left. His prescription was to hold off the club face at impact. And once I got the hang of it, it worked. Of course, in the […]
Delivering the Clubhead at Impact
A golfer who excels at delivering the clubhead at impact, effectively and consistently, is a golfer who will play the game well and have a lot of fun in the process. To do this is not all that difficult if you apply some key fundamentals and have the time to practice them. A Rocky Start […]
Bad Rounds
We’ve all had them. I had one yesterday. Frustrating. Demoralizing. Even embarrassing. They hit like a sudden cold that we didn’t see coming. First the sore throat on the warm up range where say 7 of 10 shots are not hit well, but 3 are solid, and we think, “Great. I’m ready. I’ve got it […]